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Bloons Td 6 But You 39;re The Bloon Download


Bloons TD 6 But You're The Bloon: A New Twist on the Classic Tower Defense Game

If you are a fan of tower defense games, you have probably heard of Bloons TD 6, one of the most popular and successful games in the genre. But have you ever wondered what it would be like to play as the bloons, the colorful and cute enemies that you have to pop with your monkey towers? Well, wonder no more, because there is a fan-made mod that lets you do just that. It's called Bloons But You're The Bloon, and it's a whole new way to experience the game. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this mod, how to download and install it, how to play it, and some tips and tricks to help you become a master bloon.

What is Bloons TD 6?

Bloons TD 6 is a 3D tower defense game developed and published by Ninja Kiwi, a New Zealand-based company. It was released in June 2018 for Android, iOS, Windows, Macintosh, and Steam OS. It is the sixth main installment in the Bloons Tower Defense series, which has been around since 2007.

bloons td 6 but you 39;re the bloon download

The game features over 20 maps, each with different themes, layouts, and difficulties. The goal is to prevent waves of balloons, or bloons, from reaching the end of a path by placing various monkey towers along the way. Each tower has its own unique abilities, upgrades, and activated powers that can help pop the bloons. There are also 14 heroes that can be used to boost your defense, each with their own special skills and personalities.

The game offers several modes of play, such as standard, hard, impoppable, sandbox, co-op, odyssey, contested territory, boss events, quests, and custom challenges. There are also different types of bloons that have different properties and resistances, such as camo, regrow, fortified, lead, ceramic, MOAB-class, DDTs, BADs, and more. The game is constantly updated with new content and features by the developers.

What is Bloons But You're The Bloon?

Bloons But You're The Bloon is a fan-made mod that was created by Braian Strak, a YouTube user who also makes videos about Bloons TD 6. The mod was released in February 2023 on, a platform for indie games. The mod allows you to play as the bloons instead of the monkeys in any map and mode of Bloons TD 6.

The mod is not an official product of Ninja Kiwi or Bloons TD 6. It is a separate game that requires downloading and installing from It is also free to play, but donations are appreciated by the creator. The mod is compatible with Windows only.

To download and install the mod, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to on your browser.

  • Click on "Download Now" and choose a price (or enter zero for free).

  • Click on "No thanks" or "Download Now" to download the zip file.

  • Extract the zip file to a folder of your choice.

  • Open the folder and run the "Bloons But You're The Bloon.exe" file.

  • Enjoy playing the mod!

Note: You may need to disable your antivirus or firewall to run the mod, as it may be detected as a false positive. The mod is safe and does not contain any viruses or malware, according to the creator.

How to Play Bloons But You're The Bloon?

Bloons But You're The Bloon is a mod that reverses the roles of the bloons and the monkeys in Bloons TD 6. Instead of defending against the bloons, you are attacking the monkeys. Instead of placing towers, you are sending bloons. Instead of popping bloons, you are destroying towers. The gameplay is similar to Bloons TD Battles, another game by Ninja Kiwi that features multiplayer battles between bloon senders and tower defenders.

The basic gameplay mechanics and objectives are as follows:

  • You start with a certain amount of money and lives, depending on the mode and difficulty you choose.

  • You can send bloons by clicking on their icons at the bottom of the screen. Each bloon costs a certain amount of money and has a certain cooldown time before you can send it again. You can also upgrade your bloons by spending money on them.

  • You can see the monkey towers on the map, along with their range, type, and upgrade level. You can also see the heroes and their abilities.

  • Your goal is to send enough bloons to overwhelm the monkey defense and make them lose all their lives. You can see how many lives they have left at the top of the screen.

  • You can also use heroes and paragons to help you in your attack. Heroes are powerful units that have special skills that can affect both bloons and towers. Paragons are super bloons that have massive health and damage output. You can unlock them by spending money on them.

  • You win if you make the monkeys lose all their lives or if you survive longer than them in timed modes. You lose if you run out of money or lives.

The mod features different types of bloons that have different properties and abilities. Here is a table that summarizes them:



Blue$251sMoves faster than red

Green$501.5sMoves faster than blue

Yellow$1002sMoves faster than green

Pink$2002.5sMoves faster than yellow

Purple$4003sMoves faster than pink and immune to energy, fire, and plasma attacks

White$5003.5sImmune to freeze attacks and can freeze nearby towers for a short time when popped

Black$6004sImmune to explosion attacks and can explode nearby towers for a short time when popped

Zebra$8004.5sMoves faster than black and white and immune to both freeze and explosion attacks

Rainbow$10005sMoves faster than zebra

Ceramic$15006sHas more layers than rainbow and can spawn multiple rainbow bloons when popped

Led$20007sImmune to sharp attacks and can damage nearby towers with metal shards when popped

M.O.A.B.$30008sHas more layers than ceramic and can spawn multiple ceramic bloons when popped

B.F.B.$500010sHas more layers than M.O.A.B. and can spawn multiple M.O.A.B.s when popped

Z.O.M.G.$1000015sHas more layers than B.F.B. and can spawn multiple B.F.B.s when popped

D.D.T.$1500020sMoves faster than Z.O.M.G. and immune to sharp, energy, fire, plasma, and freeze attacks

B.A.D.$2000025sHas more layers than D.D.T. and can spawn multiple Z.O.M.G.s and D.D.T.s when popped

The mod also features different heroes and paragons that have different abilities and effects. Here is a table that summarizes them:


Red Paragon$50000Sends a massive wave of red bloons that can overwhelm any defense

Blue Paragon$75000Sends a massive wave of blue bloons that move faster than red bloons

Green Paragon$100000Sends a massive wave of green bloons that move faster than blue bloons

Yellow Paragon$150000Sends a massive wave of yellow bloons that move faster than green bloons

Pink Paragon$200000Sends a massive wave of pink bloons that move faster than yellow bloons

Purple Paragon$250000Sends a massive wave of purple bloons that are immune to energy, fire, and plasma attacks

White Paragon$300000<<

[assistant](#message) Sends a massive wave of white bloons that are immune to freeze attacks and can freeze nearby towers for a long time when popped

Black Paragon$350000<<

[assistant](#message) Sends a massive wave of black bloons that are immune to explosion attacks and can explode nearby towers for a long time when popped

Zebra Paragon<<

[assistant](#message) $400000</<

[assistant](#message) Sends a massive wave of zebra bloons that are immune to both freeze and explosion attacks and move faster than black and white bloons

Rainbow Paragon$450000Sends a massive wave of rainbow bloons that move faster than zebra bloons and can spawn multiple zebra bloons when popped

Ceramic Paragon$500000Sends a massive wave of ceramic bloons that have more layers than rainbow bloons and can spawn multiple rainbow bloons when popped

Led Paragon$550000Sends a massive wave of led bloons that are immune to sharp attacks and can damage nearby towers with metal shards for a long time when popped

M.O.A.B. Paragon$600000Sends a massive wave of M.O.A.B.s that have more layers than ceramic bloons and can spawn multiple ceramic bloons when popped

B.F.B. Paragon$650000Sends a massive wave of B.F.B.s that have more layers than M.O.A.B.s and can spawn multiple M.O.A.B.s when popped

Z.O.M.G. Paragon$700000Sends a massive wave of Z.O.M.G.s that have more layers than B.F.B.s and can spawn multiple B.F.B.s when popped

D.D.T. Paragon$750000<

[assistant](#message) Sends a massive wave of D.D.T.s that move faster than Z.O.M.G.s and are immune to sharp, energy, fire, plasma, and freeze attacks


[assistant](#message) B.A.D. Paragon$800000Sends a massive wave of B.A.D.s that have more layers than D.D.T.s and can spawn multiple Z.O.M.G.s and D.D.T.s when popped

Quincy$1000Shoots arrows at nearby towers and can activate two abilities: Rapid Shot, which increases his attack speed for a short time, and Storm of Arrows, which fires a barrage of arrows at all towers on the map

Gwendolin$1500Throws fireballs at nearby towers and can activate two abilities: Firestorm, which creates a ring of fire around her that damages all towers in range, and Cocktail of Fire, which throws a molotov cocktail at a random tower that sets it on fire for a long time

Striker Jones$2000Slams his hammer on the ground, stunning nearby towers and can activate two abilities: Concussive Shell, which fires a shell at a random tower that stuns it for a long time, and Artillery Command, which calls in an artillery strike that damages all towers on the map

Obyn Greenfoot$2500Summons brambles that block the path of the towers and can activate two abilities: Wall of Trees, which creates a wall of trees that blocks the path of the towers and absorbs their attacks, and Nature's Wrath, which unleashes a wave of thorns that damages all towers on the map

Captain Churchill$3000Fires his tank cannon at nearby towers and can activate two abilities: Armor Piercing Shells, which increases his damage and pierce for a short time, and MOAB Barrage, which fires a barrage of shells at all MOAB-class bloons on the map

Benjamin$3500Hacks the monkey economy, reducing their income and increasing their costs and can activate two abilities: Syphon Funding, which steals money from the monkeys every round, and Biohack, which temporarily disables all monkey abilities on the map

Ezili$4000Casts curses on nearby towers, weakening their attacks and defenses and can activate two abilities: Heartstopper, which stops the heart of a random tower, killing it instantly, and MOAB Hex, which hexes all MOAB-class bloons on the map, damaging them over time until they pop or expire

Pat Fusty$4500<

[assistant](#message) / [assistant](#message) Smashes nearby towers with his fists and can activate two abilities: Rallying Roar, which boosts the speed and damage of all bloons on the map for a short time, and Big Squeeze, which grabs and crushes a random tower, destroying it and any bloons inside it

Adora$5000Shoots rays of light at nearby towers and can activate two abilities: Blood Sacrifice, which sacrifices a random tower to increase her power, and Ball of Light, which fires a ball of light that damages all towers in its path

Etienne$5500Controls a drone that flies around the map and shoots at nearby towers and can activate two abilities: UCAV, which launches a drone that fires missiles at all towers on the map, and Drone Swarm, which summons a swarm of drones that assist him in his attack

Admiral Brickell$6000Commands a submarine that fires torpedoes at nearby towers and can activate two abilities: Naval Tactics, which boosts the speed and damage of all water-based bloons on the map for a short time, and Mega Mine, which places a mine on the path that explodes when a tower touches it, damaging all towers in range

Sauda$6500Wields a sword that slashes nearby towers and can activate two abilities: Blade Maelstrom, which creates a whirlwind of blades that damages all towers in range, and Sword Charge, which charges at a random tower, slicing through it and any bloons in its way

Psid$7000Uses psychic powers to manipulate nearby towers and can activate two abilities: Mind Control, which takes control of a random tower for a short time, making it attack other towers instead of bloons, and Psychic Blast, which unleashes a blast of psychic energy that damages all towers on the map

Tips and Tricks for Bloons But You're The Bloon

Bloons But You're The Bloon is a mod that challenges you to think like a bloon and use your resources wisely. Here are some tips and tricks to help you succeed in your attack:

  • Know your enemy. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each monkey tower and how to counter them with your bloons. For example, dart monkeys are weak against camo bloons, glue gunners are weak against lead bloons, and super monkeys are weak against purple bloons.

  • Know your bloons. Learn the properties and abilities of each bloon and how to use them effectively. For example, white bloons can freeze nearby towers, black bloons can explode nearby towers, and ceramic bloons can spawn multiple rainbow bloons.

  • Know your heroes. Learn the skills and effects of each hero and paragon and how to use them strategically. For example, Quincy can shoot arrows at nearby towers, Gwendolin can throw fireballs at nearby towers, and Red Paragon can send a massive wave of red bloons.

  • Balance your economy. Manage your money wisely and don't overspend on bloons or heroes. Save up for more expensive bloons or paragons when you need them. Use Benjamin to hack the monkey economy and reduce their income and increase their costs.

  • Mix up your bloons. Don't send the same type of bloon over and over again. Vary your bloon types and combinations to confuse and overwhelm the monkey defense. Use different colors, properties, speeds, and abilities to create a diverse and unpredictable attack.

  • Use your abilities. Don't forget to use your hero or paragon abilities when they are available. They can make a big difference in your attack and give you an edge over the monkeys. Use them wisely and at the right time to maximize their effect.


Bloons But You're The Bloon is a fan-made mod that lets you play as the bloons instead of the monkeys in Bloons TD 6. It is a fun and challenging way to experience the game from a different perspective. It requires downloading and installing from, but it is free to play and compatible with Windows only. It features different types of bloons, heroes, paragons, maps, modes, difficulties, challenges, rewards, and more. It also offers some tips and tricks to help you become a master bloon.

If you are looking for a new twist on the classic tower defense game, you should give Bloons But You're The Bloon a try. It is a mod that will make you see Bloons TD 6 in a whole new light. It is also a mod that will make you appreciate the monkeys more than ever before.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Bloons But You're The Bloon:

  • Is Bloons But You're The Bloon an official mod?

  • No, Bloons But You're The Bloon is not an official mod of Ninja Kiwi or Bloons TD 6. It is a fan-made mod that was created by Braian Strak, a YouTube user who also makes videos about Bloons TD 6. The mod is not endorsed or supported by Ninja Kiwi or Bloons TD 6.

  • Is Bloons But You're The Bloon safe to download and play?

  • Yes, Bloons But You're The Bloon is safe to download and play, according to the creator. The mod does not contain any viruses or malware, and it does not affect your original Bloons TD 6 game. However, you may need to disable your antivirus or firewall to run the mod, as it may be detected as a false positive. You can also scan the mod with your antivirus software before running it, if you want to be extra careful.

  • Can I play Bloons But You're The Bloon on other platforms besides Windows?

  • No, Bloons But You're The Bloon is only compatible with Windows. It is not available for Android, iOS, Macintosh, or Steam OS. The creator has no plans to make the mod compatible with other platforms at the moment.

  • Can I play Bloons But You're The Bloon online or with friends?

  • No, Bloons But You're The Bloon is a single-player game only. It does not have any online or multiplayer features. You can only play it offline and by yourself.

  • Can I customize Bloons But You're The Bloon to my liking?

  • Yes, Bloons But You're The Bloon has some customization options that you can access from the settings menu. You can change the graphics quality, the sound volume, the language, and the hotkeys. You can also enable or disable some features, such as auto-send bloons, auto-upgrade bloons, auto-use abilities, and more.



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