When resources allow, QSS reviewers scan the documents used to prepare each return reviewed QSS reviewers do not scan SSN cards, ITIN letters, photo ID or bank information. Prior to leaving the site, the QSS reviewer redacts (remove) the names, Social Security numbers, bar codes, phone numbers, EIN, addresses, local business names, and any other identified Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from the scanned returns and supporting documents. The QSS reviewer must keep the birth dates, job titles, and citizenship status.
Reprisal Universe activation code and serial number
When resources allow, the return review process must include scanning of all the documents used to prepare each return reviewed. Shopping reviewers scan all required documents. Shopping reviewers must redact (remove) Names, Social Security numbers, bar codes, phone numbers, EIN, addresses, local business names, and any other identified Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from the scanned return and supporting documents. Do not redact date of birth. Do not scan Social Security cards or taxpayer photo identification. If the reviewer cannot scan and/or redact the PII from the return and supporting documents due to time limits, the reviewer must secure the un-redacted returns in a Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) folder on their computer. The reviewer must redact the PII prior to sending the case file to SPEC HQ.
Partners and volunteers must keep and share UPS tracking information for the return shipment with the Territory office. Territory offices must request the tracking information from partners if not received. The territory must also ask the partner or volunteer to send the barcodes and serial numbers for the laptops if shipping multiple boxes.
Territories must input an In-Use Change Request (IUCR) if the territory manually creates the PLA, and it does not include a PLA number. If the manually created PLA signature date is on or after October 1st of the current fiscal year, do not request a new signature from the partner or volunteer. The territory can either write the new PLA number next to the barcode on the PLA or print the new PLA (with the number) and attach it to the original. Write on the unsigned PLA "See attached PLA for signature" and attach the signed, unnumbered PLA. Update SPECTRM with the PLA acceptance date.
The review covers a sample of Category A assets in Knowledge Incident/Problem Service Asset Management (KISAM). Category A assets include all computers (laptops and desktops) and some high-end printers. GAO selects the sample from KISAM, and IT must produce the asset(s). For assets not in government space, GAO may either visit the location or request a photo of the asset which shows the asset barcode and serial number. GAO decides which review method to use.
Send an email to SPEC and CARE management to report the theft. See the list below of offices to contact. Include the IRS barcode number, serial number, make and model of equipment, and a general description of what occurred. Send the communications to the following: Director, CARE; Chief, CARE PM; Director, SPEC; Director, Area office (select based on area reporting incident); Chief, PS, the PS analyst, and FS&A analyst
Send an email to the Depot to report the theft. Include the IRS barcode number, serial number, make and model of the equipment and a summary of the circumstances about the theft. Send the email to: vitadepot@irs.gov. 2ff7e9595c