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Tube Tech Classic Channel Crack: How to Achieve a Warm and Rich Sound with the Classic Channel Plugi


The Tube-Tech PE 1C from Softube is a native based EQ plug-in based on a recreation of the original Pultec equalizer. Although a classic in its own right, the PE 1C is still in production and can be found in professional recording studios all over the world. The plug-in was modeled with the help of the designers at Lydkraft/Tube-Tech.

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Tube Tech Classic Channel Crack

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The 3rd version of the Sunday Soundwave frame, is the most advanced frame design that Sunday offers. It's loaded with features like proven hollow dropouts, integrated chain tensioners, Wave down tube and top tube, cable channel guide, angled removable brake mounts, "Director" style wishbone, post-weld machining of the BB & HT, and full 41-Thermal post weld heat-treating throughout.

Today's release of Softube's plug-ins version 2.0 does not only entail support for AAX 64 bit across the entire product line. Furthermore, all plug-ins have been completely redone from the ground up utilizing the latest CPU techniques available, and most of them show a vastly improved CPU performance for all plug-in formats. The prices remain the same and the upgrade is free to current Softube users.

The second thing to look for is the condition of the getter. This is the greyish coating usually found at the top of a tube, but can be on the sides, or both top and sides, depending upon the tube type. Any color from grey/silver, to black is healthy. When a vacuum tube develops an air leak (a small crack or bad seal by a pin for example) this getter color will change to pure white. If you see this you know with 100% certainty that the tube is bad.

man im so upset i have a 5150 III 1X12 just replaced power tubes with JJ and bought a sovtek LPS for the PI and 5x JJ preamp tubes and im still getting this like volume drop where ill have it turned up not to loud and after few minutes its like it turns its self down low. The last time i played it today it made like a noise kinda like how when a taser is shot and makes that crackling sound. anyways i been seeing that the 100w 5150 III heads have been having issues with this volume due to faulty soldering with the circuitry. mine is a 2014 model and i have a 5 year warrenty with it i should just sent it in but would like some advice first. ive never done the preamp swap or what ever not even sure if i know how to do it.

I have a Vox ac50 head. The 2nd (high gain) channel started sounding weak and tinny. The eq has little or no affect. There are no visible issues with the tubes and they are all emitting heat (though the preamp tubes are only warm).

Valves rarely show visible signs of deterioration so it is doubtful you will see an issue. What you are describing sounds a lot like a microphonic tube in your clean channel. Try swapping your 12AX7 tubes around to determine if the problem is related to just the clean channel tube or a combination. Regular usage generally sees amps needing a tube replacement every 6 months to 2 years, depending on how many hours you put on them. It may just be time to retube the amp completely for safety sake or at least getting a back up set to have on hand if you rely on this amp 24/7.

Hi, I have a 6505+ that recently started acting strangely. Every once in a while, the power output would cut from being pretty loud to very quiet. This seems like it would happen randomly and for no particular reason. Cycling the power switch would result in crackling of the speaker but otherwise resolved the problem and the amp would work fine when powered back up. Could this be related to power tube(s) starting to fail?

A sudden loss of vacuum would require physical damage to the tube. Generally speaking this would not be a mechanical issue with the amp. Upon close inspection most people can detect a hairline crack in the glass that is the cause. This could be the result of physical damage or a weak point in the glass that gave way due to heat. In some cases the damage can be from bending the pins on installation/removal which can pop the seal between the metal and glass.

It sounds as though your tube shorted out after the cap change. The fuse blows in order to protect the amp. I would suggest replacing the power tubes and double check your connections. Have it look a technician if you have further concerns.

It is hard to say if this is a tube related problem or a more sinister situation within the amp. You could replace the tubes and see if that solves the issue, but we would suggest taking it in for service to a reputable tech and have a formal diagnosis.

Have a fender 410 60watt super amp. All preamp tubes seem to be ok. Amp powers on, but the volume is very low and distorted on both clean and overdrive channels. The amp with its volume set to 10 is as loud as it might be normally at 1 but very distorted and breaks up. I did notice that once of the power tubes blue glow appears to be slightly brighter than the other. Any ideas?

There are a few things you need to consider before determining if new tubes are the answer. You say the amp is used and that you acquired it about 4 years ago. Have you ever replaced the tubes in those 4 years? How many hours have you placed on the tubes? If you have never replaced the tubes, do you know how many hours of play the previous owner put on them? Realistically a tube can blow or become problematic at any given time due to the delicate nature of the internal filament components. The ton tolerant playable life expectancy of a tube is about 2500 hours depending on how hard you drive them, how much outside abuse they received (moving the equipment, vibrations etc), and how good your hearing is for picking up the degradation. So if I assume they are well used tubes than I would suggest a retube regardless to see if there is any improvement. At the very least I would suggest swapping out your 12AX7 tubes to see if that clears up the issue since most players usually have a buddy with a spare to borrow. There is always the possibility that something more sinister is at play but swapping out the tubes is usually the easiest way to figure that out before getting a technician involved. 2ff7e9595c


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